
In Pezo & Matheno (Playing and learning), we believe that the importance of the kindergarten to the life and development of the child is now necessary. The importance of the kindergarten is not limited to the need to keep children, but it helps to socialize and develop their skills at an age so decisive for their development.

We provide small parts separated according to the age and needs of children, from 2 months to 6 years.

Play and Learn is open daily from 7.00-21.00 and you have the choice of breakfast, afternoon or alternate hours. Our program includes theatrical play- puppet theater, musical education, psychomotor education, fairy tale dramatization, guided creative play - word games, pre-programmed concepts, environmental actions, musical pre-song, educational and recreational excursions, mini sports, , English, free play, painting - sculpture - handicrafts - collage, traditional motoring games familiar with computers.
